Leading the Church
Pattern for Prayer This is a template to understanding the basics of prayer from what Jesus taught (3/7/2008)
Effective Leadership
Proclaiming the God who is Here! Matthew 11: 20-30, The God Who Judges, the God Who Holds Us! God is a God who gives us grace, comfort, and rest, yet... (2/1/2008)
Being Loyal to Christ and His Bride We got trouble in our churches--a lack of loyalty. A tough question needs to be asked of ourselves, are we being "harlots" with His Church? Do not refuse God. Teach, preach, be loyal, be fruitful, be faithful, be real for Christ and live it out. By our example, we are used for His glory, giving people known and unknown to us a chance to repent and be saved. (3/8/2013)