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Continuing the Legacy and Influence of Francis Schaeffer with New Research
and Findings. Equipping Pastors, Churches and You!

Monthly Leadership Article


Introduction to the Leadership Themes from the Gospels

We may need to rediscover what Christ calls us to when we lead and manage His Church.


The Call to be Anew

Is your church dedication to Christ's Sovereignty and Lordship?

The Call to Serve

Are you in leadership to serve or be served?

The Call to Drop to our Knees

Is your church's direction from Christ our Lord or from what is happening now?


See the entire series here: /Leadership-from-the-Gospels

Research Highlights


Statistics on Pastors:

Research on the Happenings in Pastors' Personal and Church Lives.

So, what is going on with today's servants of the Church?

Since first studying pastors in the late 80's, we are seeing significant shifts in the last 20 years on how pastors view their calling and how churches treat them.

If pastors were given a 'do over,' would they choose another career other than full-time ministry? 78%, said No! 


PDF Report with graphs and insights:




We have an entirely new website; months of undertaking from many dedicated people. And we are still working on it. Over one thousand Biblical, practical and well-researched articles and curriculums, all for you to use to build a better church for our Lord's glory! 


Scripture of the Day


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Leading the Church

Leading the Church

God's Pattern for Worship
The History of 'Doing Church' through the centuries. Have you ever wondered why do we do Church the way we do? One of the topics for which we receive requests for information is why we do church worship services the way we do. Why can't I just do what I feel is best, or find out what my people and neighborhood would want and do that? Is there a reason behind our traditions? Or, is it just meaningless rhetoric we repeat over and over, year after year, century after century. Well, there is a reason we do church the way most practice it today. There are essential patterns, rooted in the Old Testament, that God requires... (1/16/2008)

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Effective Leadership

Effective Leadership

Be a Listener
Listening knows to be an effectual leader, you must know how to listen, all its takes is the will to turn it on and let it work. (1/14/2008)

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The Character of Purity
Means being set apart for God's use. (1/29/2008)

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Bible Research

Bible Research

Biblical Eschatology
What is your view of "Eschatology" or "End Times?" This is the study of our Christian beliefs concerning all future and final events, such as Jesus' Second coming and the final judgment. How sure are you that your view is correct? (3/4/2008)

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